haha, my waiting time just got a lot more fun.....
let me explain a little more.... I am at london stansted right now... my flight to eindhoven is leaving at 06:55 which means waiting for 8 hours as I had already arrived at the airport around 23:00 cause there are no trains going to the airport in the middle of the night.... as you can not take your bottle of water nor your sandwich with cheese with you trough customs (there is this crazy 100ml rule for fluids and one can not take cheese along cause of fear of footh and mouth disease) I decided to stay at the initial waiting area just before customs, here I saw this BT (british telecom) hotspot, and decided to give it a try, took out the apple laptop, and found several networks with the airport wireless connection, at first only those that needed paying for, then I tried this one: wifi zone-the cloud- and guess what... it allowed me to connect and here I am... didnt know this was exceptional untill there was a girl that asked what and how with teh free networks here... little did I know that her pc would not let her connect for free, ha ha... the macintosh rules, dont know how, but right now I am sitting in a luxury sofa with a nice armrest for the laptop and powerconnection to charge the somewhat poor battery....
still 4 hours to go right now till check-in starts.. but hey.... 5 hours gone by pretty easy this way.....
08 December 2007
15 November 2007
playtime at revolutions
07 November 2007
dark factory
28 October 2007
analog dialogue
24 September 2007
wirwar rocks the city's concert hall

as part of the zxzw festival there were classical artists playing in squats and on friday we were asked to shake the foundations of the concert hall, and we did !
I have never seen the discoball soooo effective !!! the lights were amazing, the sound was "grown-up" although it was a real pain for the live sets, as the speakers were tooo far away, causing a delay, making you wonder why the effects were all of a sudden effected with unwanted delays etc ... ok, there were monitor speakers, but if you wanted to block the main systems sound, you needed to turn up the volume of the monitors in such a way thAt you knew you were damaging your ears, dilemma....
ah well, it was nice to play, and the atmosphere was great, true wirwar vibe !
accompanied by great sounds in the voyager and cans of jupiler beer for the alcoholics under us, I was deeply moved by the slides that were projected in the main hall, they were by my brother finsent who, without a doubt, was flying trough the hall all night, sometimes the colours were a bit hard to see, but on the pictures, they come out real nice ! Also the big light, designed by wido and modified by finsent lateron was hanging in a great spot, thanx dave for that one !
The sets have been recorded on videocamera and mine was recorded as pure audio too, lets see if I should be ashamed of myself..... ha.....
playing live in worm on 28th september
23 September 2007
having fun on a cross-bike
this summer it was the first time in my life I actually got on a motor bike, I never had the urge to ride these things, apart from the occasional scooter, but this was the real deal, switching gears with your left foot, and going trough muddy pools and dirt lanes..... I ended up soaking wet and covered in mud when I wanted to cross the final pool of water that was lying in front of me.... as I choose the wrong pool of muddy water (there was one on the left and one on the right) the one I had chosen was a little tiny bit tooo deep for me... should have stayed on the left side, now I was mudman with even mud in my ears ..... we had fun though ..... ah, be warned: the exhaust can get hot :)
waalwijk feessie

sometime ago, the weekend before we left for poland, we had a blast in waalwijk along with some other systems, even though some of them had some problems with the power, generators are not your best friends..... we went on till early in the morning, played my testpressings for the first time.... wow, a dream come true.
22 September 2007
accu 000 & 001 and wide awake 000

working hard on the sleeves and the design of the labels right now, but the first 150 testpressings have been thrown into this world, and they are being received with open arms, what a joy !
it is a dream come true, my own recordlabel, or actually, labels ......
soon you'll be able to download the tracks, they need to be out "officially" first..
summer 2007

hye there, back in town so to say.... it's been quite a while, loads of things have happened, too much to mention, but I'll give it a try ....
polskitekk 2007 was great, we had brought a small part of the soundsystem so we would not be victims of other peoples records.... it allowed us to create our own little our-space where we could play records, blow up balloons, dive over couches, decorate the space with chips in upside down umbrella's and make some music, we had the pleasure of having a special recording studio right next to us, barry really made a nice piece of art with his double - car, his trip back to holland was quite a special one if I am correct, but I believe he was just in time for his work ...
after teknival we went to the tatra mountains, where we drove around, found our nice spots to relax, had great walks, changed a waterpump of my 508, saw pico fly his parapent, made great campfires, cooked great dinners with pancakes and whipped cream as a finale..... we truelly grew tighter as a group, and had a blast on a crossmotor driving trough mud pools ha ha
right before we went home we visited some sort of swim paradise close to berlin, actually tropicana is 10 times smaller but it blows this thing away, we luckily discovered the sauna area, where we truelly relaxed and we all lost kilo's and kilo's of fluids.... we slept underneath the stars once more, only to see the sun come up with the most intriguing purple palette shortly followed by the rain, making us run and dive into the van for some more close-your-eyes time...
then back to holland, and for me it wasn't yet over, I decided to go to zeeland, to the sea, as it was impossible to go back home straight away, I needed to process some things, before I would be swallowed up by the big monster that is called home...... I went to burgh-haamstede for some nice walk on the beach, did some crabfishing with some kiddies, slept in the harbour of the hague, went to nsdm and adm terrain in amsterdam where I encountered a great waterland festival, with nice campfire and music and great energy, a true gift it was ! and then it was time to go home, so I did and here I am, three weeks later, trying to recapture all things, impossible, but some have been documented now .....
11 June 2007

U2 have been making music and having fun in marocco with producers Brian Eno and Daniel Lanois who also worked on the The Joshua Tree album and many more...
Curious what will be soming out of this ! Look at this one.... I see 4 guys playing a guitar and 2 guys close to recording devices .... I like this picture..... it triggers my brain...... mmmm what, how, who, when... where ....
Fahren auf die Autobahn...
Last week I drove up and down to munchen to drop off a load of motherboards for a certain company. Leaving tilburg at 23.00 at night, driving straight trough the night and arriving early in the morning to drop of the load. Then a few hours sleep and hop... back to holland. For me this was a golden opportunity as it meant I could work a shitload of hours in a few days, and as I still have some bills to pay, I was pleased with the job. But then came friday afternoon, with 300 km to go I decided to go and get some gas and a milkshake, as it was pretty hot. Having just filled up my car, I was cleaning my windshield, ready to go and pay as I was confronted by a guy, who said he was a police officer and he wanted to see my papers etc.... All I could think was the fact that I had not filled in my sheet specifying my hours, but that he did not want.... it turned out..... He wanted me to do a drug test! Which I thought would not be a problem as by then it had been longer than 42 hours since I had last smoked a bit of hash in holland. The only thing was that I had just taken a piss earlier on, so I told him I would need to drink some water and wait a bit, which was ok. Sitting in the sun, even having a sort of discussion with the copper, offcourse evry time I wanted to tell him my opinion, he immediately started his powertrip, making clear I had to listen instead of convince..... ok, clear.... bloody nazi cop ! Then the moment came for me to go and take a piss, all sure of myself, totally convinced all was ok, also as the last time I had to do a test like this (summer 2006 crossing the german-tsjech border) there were no problems either, and as at that moment it had only been 28 hours since I had last smoked and this time it was 42... I felt confident that the needed line would appear and that I could continue my travels...... Oh no....... no line.... mmmm what ? You are going to call a doctor ? He is going to take a blood sample ? You are taking mt license, and a fine of 600 euro ? And as I have no money ? You take my car ? And when it is not my car ? And so the intimidation process had started..... Immediately I knew this was bad .... So I called some friends in holland, who I knew had had to deal with a similar situation, asking for advice.... Also called my boss, to update him and see what he thought.... And then waited for the doctor..... Finally he arrived, taking me into the handicapped toilet, took some blood, hurt my arm by injecting the needle the wrong way and then, unbelievably started to do a weird test.... Here I was, tired, hungry, excited about what had been happening, and even more so anxious about what was going to happen, and this guy shines his torch nto my eyes, holds a pen in front of my eyes, and based on that and on the fact that I have huge pupils (so he said) he declares I am definitely under the influence ............ makes a note on his rapport and finishes the process. Fuck me...... nothing I can do, he did not even ask how long I had been awake or anything..... just looks, thinks and judges, and then this grin on his face. Anyway, what next ? The copper gave me back my driving license and asked me for my bank details, I looked at him and said excuse me, you want what ? He started to explain, after which I told him I was not gonna give him my details as I felt this whole test was not legal, and not ok-ed by european law etc. Again he said I needed to pay a huge fine, and again I smiled at him, and said that I had already explained that I am a musician, about to release my first records but that I had not money whatsoever, this time he seemed to get the picture, and he did not ask me again, but started to explain that they would now send me the fine by mail etc...... oh yes..... about 600 euro .. fuck me.... this would mean I would have driven to bloody munich for nottin ? He also said I was not allowed to drive, huh ? For how long then ? Till the thc has left my body ? Which would be when exactly ? He then started that it was actually 7 days etc... so I quickly said all was ok, that I would sleep before driving on ok ok ok..... NOT !
I waited till they had left, started the car and put my foot down, and did not take it off the floor till I drove across the dutch border.... HOME sweet home !!!
I still feel raped by the germans..... fucking hell, how can they do this.... And I am anxious that they will send me a fine, meaning I can not go to the teknival in poland or tsjech if I dont pay the fine, otherwise they will stop me at the border where they will check my passport..... Ok, so I will see, either pay and be free to go where I want, or not pay, and head for southern regions in europe..... and pay it later in the year, free-ing the road for next year..... It still means I will have to be very carefull...... what if I make some music in the weekend, and smoke some hash, it would almost imply I can not drive into germany for a full week.... this is ridiculous, do you know how many truckdrivers head into germany every day, having smoked a nice joint the night prior....... Or would they all be armed with drugfooling devices and fake urine etc ??? It is a crazy world we live in.....
23 May 2007
post natal discharge

the circuit bandit has now set his first steps on the face of this earth.... it has been quite a "labour-week" in order to get it all done, but the trains were doing what they were supposed to do, make loads and loads of noise. With me trying to get some sort of sense in the the whole thing. It all felt as if in the middle of the thing my dear brother tried hard to sort of baptise me from above.....
the circuit bandit and herrie, lawaaiman inc . . . we shall move forwards !!!
dreaming fulltime while being wide awake
11 May 2007
re-stored from the coldstore

more words later.......
ok, I guess it's time now......
what a trip it was..... wednesday afternoon, my 508 loaded up with 9 passengers and a shitload of gear, and off we went, first we needed to get air for my tires.. aaaaaargh what a search... finally just before leaving holland we managed to get some, at a truckstop! All normal tire thingies go up to 4 bars of pressure, and I need at least 5 bar so there you are, with your big car......
Then off to berlin, long drive, arrived in the morning, met up with jan and yael, got the key to the record shop where everyone could crash for the weekend, thanx a lot !!! that was very nice, as it allowed me to use my bus for personal space.... and i needed that when I arrived in berlin, totally wrecked from the drive..... sleep baby.. now.. please........ so I did. !
The rest went off to tackle berlin city.. and as I woke up early in the evening I decided to go and check out the venue, and meet up with the folks that were doing the event. It turned out to be a very stunning place, with a sort of tricky basement, or better, it was the ceiling that was tricky..... but the architects had told us as long as we filter out any frequencies below 40hertz we should be fine... ahhhh, re-assuring :) friday came, noise night, and that it was ! performances and acts filled up the night, unfortunately during the johnny locash act the police came, and the sound had to be turned way down... too bad ! but we did not want to jeopardize the saturday (hell no) so we listened at low volume, till it was time to go and sleeeeeeep. then the saturday came, performances took toooo long, I ended up with freshly cooked pasta sitting behinfd my liveset looking at some weir naked creatures crawling by chasing each other with tools and such.... mmmmm not really my cup of tea, ah well, I prepared my set, and finally at 4 I hit play, and sort of rocked the place, yes, I dare to say so my self ! You'll see when accu 001 is coming out, no more hints for now...... In the end, I packed up, loaded up my bus, danced to some of the tunes stefan and joris played and then the cops came, mmmm shitty, as I wanted to discharge and dance my arse off..... guess not. In the end I freaked out completely, about copycats and music, all stuff tooo close to my heart, and I smoked too much, slept too little hence the eruption, but it all was ok in the end, I guess I needed to let of some steam. As the music had stopped, we decided to go back to the shop, taking a little detour as we got a bit lost :) Then we went for a flea market, I ended up loosing everyone, but hey, I knew the way....
Next day (monday) we took off, said our goodbyes, bought our last records and shirts from jan and then we went back to holland. Around 2am tuesday morning we arrived in rotterdam, everyone out ! And i went back to tilburg.... yes, very very very satisfied, we need more trips like these.
19 April 2007
musicv2 media player activ8ed
do you wannna hear some music ?
live set from veldhoven 310307 and some mixes and short tracks can now be found here:
check my page
or activ8 the player here
have fun !
live set from veldhoven 310307 and some mixes and short tracks can now be found here:
check my page
or activ8 the player here
have fun !

time flies... working hard to get my bus ready, thought of a new set-up, it's needed as we will be embarking on a trip to Berlin with 7 peeps in my bus.. ha ha.... having fun already...
the coldstore event, have a look at www.the coldstore.org for more info, it's 100 meters from U2 station.... (yep, call me a u2freak..... it's ok)
we are getting ready to rock berlin
02 April 2007

In february 2004 my brother was given a musical present for his birthday, it was a track that was made by his girlfriend Michelle. They never had the chance to let the making of this track evolve into other things as they were both taken from us on that terrible 29th february 2004. This was the only livetrack Michelle made and now, three years later her friends have released this unique piece of music making it a very sweet and beautiful way to remember Michelle.
01 April 2007
KX always getting harder to find :)
wow, what a discharge this was !
I hope I havent damaged any ears, there was actually a girl that came up to me while I was playing, looking all anxious..... eeeeeh some of your sounds are really harsh, do you know ? Ha ha ! I quickly dove back into my sound... having been distracted a couple of times already, I now knew what to do.... Close off the surrounding in a way, and listen, act and react ...
This was the last night in the squat in veldhoven that has been used for 5 years, it was a worthy farewell ! And it was time that I played again ! Re-assuring synergetic process ------ charge ----- discharge ----
the set has been recorded, but I need to check if it truelly has been captured..
I hope I havent damaged any ears, there was actually a girl that came up to me while I was playing, looking all anxious..... eeeeeh some of your sounds are really harsh, do you know ? Ha ha ! I quickly dove back into my sound... having been distracted a couple of times already, I now knew what to do.... Close off the surrounding in a way, and listen, act and react ...
This was the last night in the squat in veldhoven that has been used for 5 years, it was a worthy farewell ! And it was time that I played again ! Re-assuring synergetic process ------ charge ----- discharge ----
the set has been recorded, but I need to check if it truelly has been captured..
27 March 2007
19 March 2007
Change your believes . . .
What also happened, but what certain systems don't want you to see about 911
Luckily there are human beings who don't stay put, and swallow what the government tries to feed them, they asked questions, tried to find answers and came up with this, demanding an audience for their claims, as the government and big corporations simply try to bury the truth. . . Here is a movie with simply loads and loads of "cold as steel" facts, that one can not deny, in no way, and if you do, I simply do not have any other option than to declare you officially brainwashed . .
Bloody Bush is the biggest terrorist of all.... and the major of NY going along in the conspiracy, after all one needs to co-ordinate the destruction of the evidence after the twin towers had come down, and how did they place the explosives, you'll see when you see the documentary. let's guess what the major of NY will get as a reward in the future ....
One of my future releases will likely be called,
qui que boe - "hard as twintowersteel" actua;lly. let's release it on 911 2007 !
And before I forget look here !!!
Then, if you are still hungry for more... see the way they invest the pensionmoney in holland. . . documentary in dutch by Zembla, I was completely disgusted to be dutch after I saw this. . . not that other countries will be different I think . . have a look here !!!
To top things off, a german documentary about the asassination on Theo van Gogh
Luckily there are human beings who don't stay put, and swallow what the government tries to feed them, they asked questions, tried to find answers and came up with this, demanding an audience for their claims, as the government and big corporations simply try to bury the truth. . . Here is a movie with simply loads and loads of "cold as steel" facts, that one can not deny, in no way, and if you do, I simply do not have any other option than to declare you officially brainwashed . .
Bloody Bush is the biggest terrorist of all.... and the major of NY going along in the conspiracy, after all one needs to co-ordinate the destruction of the evidence after the twin towers had come down, and how did they place the explosives, you'll see when you see the documentary. let's guess what the major of NY will get as a reward in the future ....
One of my future releases will likely be called,
qui que boe - "hard as twintowersteel" actua;lly. let's release it on 911 2007 !
And before I forget look here !!!
Then, if you are still hungry for more... see the way they invest the pensionmoney in holland. . . documentary in dutch by Zembla, I was completely disgusted to be dutch after I saw this. . . not that other countries will be different I think . . have a look here !!!
To top things off, a german documentary about the asassination on Theo van Gogh
16 March 2007
An unusual sound . . check this

During the Bonnie Prince Billy concert I was sitting next to two girls, they told me about a lot of different artists and they were surprised to see I knew so little of the names they mentioned. One of them was Joanna Newsom.
I am still in the discovery phase, but i think I like it... by the way, she is coming to paradiso in april, I am gonna go and check it out for sure !
Check here: http://www.fromamouth.com/milkymoon/
And look and listen here, no worries, it's safe, life streaming video with great audio from a concert she gave : http://ride.kiev.ua/content.html
14 March 2007
Bonnie "the prince" Billy
Bonnie Prince Billy was going to be performing in Vredenburg on the 13th March. I did not have a ticket, but I did have a big sign with me, ready to stand at the door, hoping for someone with a spare ticket... I was determined to attend this concert that I did not know about untill I read an email from my dad.
When I got the email it was the night before the concert, 3 o clock at night, all I could do then was place some ads on the www marketplaces, asking for tickets. Also left my phone number for those that did have a ticket for sale, only to find out the next day that I had been outbid bigtime, I guess this concert was in popular demand.... I also doubted if I should go this time, as the concert was gonna be in the big concert room, where there is place for 1200 people.... I was not to sure wether I would prefer a more intimate surrounding, ha ha, how wrong I was !
So off I went, with the most amazing sunset as I was going past the river "the lek" it truelly is a beautiful part of holland, and then with this big orange ball of fire, just above the horizon, allowing you to look straight into the fireball, and suck up all of it's rays of energy, seeing the landscape vibrate as it too, is being touched by the sun. Mmmm I seriously thought that even if I would not get a ticket, the trip would be more than worth it !
And you wont believe my luck ! I had only just entered the venue, to check with the ticket desk if there were any tickets that had been returned, and if not, I was gonna ask them where would be the best place for me to position myself with my sign... As I had just been pointed to the best spot, a lady walked towards the ticketbooth where I was about to take out my sign .... When I saw her taking a ticket out of her wallet I asked her: "you don't by any chance want to get rid of that ticket do you? "
and she smiled, and in turn looked at the smile that arose on my face .....
yes I do .... ha ha, I never believed I would love to hear these words ......
There it was, the ticket was lying in my hand, without even having to take the sign out. I felt like Charly (Sjakie in dutch) when he found the golden Willy Wonka Chocolate Bar ! This was meant to be !
I decided to go straight in, the banana's and snickers should do the energy trick as I had not yet had a proper dinner.... it was all too exciting.
The venue blew my mind, quickly shattering any expectations I had had. There was a big stage, but still looking intimate as there were seats situated all the way around the stage and upwards. Really emracing the artist on stage. Then there was a dance floor in front of the stage, but here too , seats were placed. The concert hall also felt really warm as they have used loads of wood, which works great accoustics wise ! I quickly started to check different spots within the venue to see where I was gonna sit. As I was one of the first inside, and with free seating arrangements allowing everyone to pick their spot, there were many options open.
At first I wanted to go for the spot underneath the mixing desk, then I changed my mind, I realised this room had great accoustics, bonnie would be playing solo, and mostly accoustic, so off I went again... this time it was an aisle seat, 3rd row from the front... 2 minutes later I decided that this was not the right spot either, having to look up all the time ... who's paying who here.. :)
and then I saw it, the ideal spot right next to the stage, a sort of sofa for 3 people, at the edge of the stage, looking right at bonnie and his guitar, seriously only 7 meters away with the stacked sound system positioned right next to me.
I did not have to think long, I quickly placed my survival kit on my seat, and went back to tell the lady sitting next to my now second choice spot, to release that one :) and decided to walk around a bit, then I saw a man and two girls walking over to my spot.. mmmm..... And as one of the girls took my plastic bag and wanted to put it on the sofa behind .. she did not get the chance to let go of the banana... I was there.... quickly being very assertive, no way I was gonna let someone take my spot ! And as I had secured my spot, I allowed the ladies to sit next to me, offcourse... the gentleman as I am :) and the dad (as it turned out) sat behind us ....
Then, there was this train issue.... I had checked what time the last train was going back to tilburg, 23.13 mmmm bonnie was to play untill 23.00 with the station being 10 minutes away.... mmmm tough one.... First I decided to take my jacket and my bag from the wardrobe as I could easily place these in front of my seat, this way I would not loose any time once the concert had ended, or was about to end. Then I needed to have a clock... mmm my phone... ok, but now I needed to de-activate any beeping sounds before I had my clock "ready"
Bonnie started playing around 22.30 giving the audience a chance to get some drinks after the opener of the show had finished just after 9 o'clock But this drink break, was gonna be messing things up for me ....
The opening act was great, also a guy and his guitar, no singing, but amazing guitar play (like ravi shankar) and he was jamming away, it was great fun to see him fiddling around with the sample pedal, allowing him to start playing with sounds he had just recorded in a short loop. The guy was creating amazing soundscapes and sometimes it was hard to open my eyes, as I was taken away by the music. Funny and strange thoughts came forth, a little devil inside told me that I could listen to this guy at home with my eyes closed ! Now was the time to see .. ha ha, fuck that ! It's all about the energy, the atmopsphere, the actions and reactions that one can feel. I now wonder if there were any blind people there....
Ok, so then it was 21.30 and not long after, the prince made his appearance. He was playing solo using just a guitar and three effect pedals. He hooked up the effects, and off he went.... He was playing songs from his latest album "The Letting Go" but he completely changed the way they sounded.... also because on the album there is Dawn McCarthy singing along, and she was not present here to join in... so, kind of logical that I did not recognize a lot of the songs at first. He also played a lot of songs from the album "ease on down the road" and other solo albums ... He told little stories, anecdotes, memories, improvised, howled like a wolf. Impressive wee man ! One man and his guitar on a stage and 1200 people in total awe !!! Like we were all invited into his living room, very very intimate it felt ! The guys voice is truelly amazing, and when you can see his feet, knees and shoes, twitching and twirling as he truelly gets the words out of his toes sometimes .....
Out of the blue there was a great version of "I see a darkness" It was a totally turned around version, making me cry ! He played it long after someone had shouted the name of this song, I hate that, let him play.. and command your mp3player.... ! long after the song had been called, I belive this happens on most occasions, that people want him to sing this song.. and being who he is, he listens but does his own.... I guess. So the minutes flew by.... a few moments I was restless as I thought of the train, quickly dropped the thought, back into the music. Then the girl next to me told me it was 22.55 and I looked at her as if I saw water burning.
There was no way I was gonna go..... here was the one guy that is able to touch my soul, all the way from the states, in utrecht, playing a truelly one-of-show (that;s how it felt anyhow) I wanted to see the end of the show, and even if my only option was to spend 5-6 hours on the train station waiting for the first train in the morning, so be it... Dilemma solved, back into the music.... couple of songs later, the show seemingly ended, but not untill he had come back for an encore, and I seriously cant remember if he played 4 or 5 songs during the encore but I am glad I stayed till the end !
Still afloat I made my way to the central station, thinking there was no way I was gonna be able to get back home. As I thought I had missed my last train to Tilburg my options were pretty limited, either stay in Utrecht (where you can wait inside a big hall, it's relatively warm and safe) or go to Den Bosch and wait there or try to hitchhike from there (as you'd have to wait outside (no central hall) and with temperatures close to freezing that was not an option. Hitchhiking from the station in Den Bosch is also pretty tough as it';s too far from the highway) so you get the idea that I did not feel like going there :) Then there still was a third option, meaning calling my parents to see if one of them would be crazy enough to come and pick me up from Den Bosch.. so I called, it turned out they were already in asleep, oeps... We kindly agreed that dad stayed in bed and that I would survival my way trough the night or back home, either way, it was ok.
Went off to buy some food while the shop was still open, and in the meantime my dad called back but I did not hear the phone as it still was in "stealth" mode. But as I checked the time on my phone, I saw that my dad had tried to call, I quickly called him back and he said he could not sleep anymore after my call and that he was on his way to pick me up ! Yes, yes yes !
When I was sitting in the train waiting for the train to leave I was glad I had brought my minidisc-player, so I could dive into one of my liveset recordings instead of having to listen to the conversations of my fellow passengers. Seriously, there was a guy sitting across from me, with another one in the four-seater next to us, I bet you, if they could, they would have eaten each other while continuing their download-dvd-adsl-conversion possibilities, it was way too overdone, too obviously gay all the time astounded sounding small talk... get me right here, I love anyman, gay or whatever, but people that overact, are not. They are being busy, and wether it is because I have been too busy in my life at a certain point or not, I simply do not like people that are being busy !!!
And then I woke up on the couch, loud radio noise coming from the giant building site in front of my house, ok, the building noises one gets sort of used to, but the radio, no even worse, the local radio on full blast at 7am ! So i had to start shouting at the builders outside to turn down the bloody radio as it was 7am and I wanted to sleep... luckily they agreed it was too loud and then finally it was truelly bedtime.
Thanx 2 my dad for the pointer, otherwise I would have seriously missed this one !
Important lessons that can be learned from this day :)
If one wants to see bonnie prince billy one has to keep an eye on his website, or even better, look here : and if you need to go from utrecht to tilburg late at night, the last train leaves 23.43
Here's the opening song, I just found on youtube.... sleep tight...
When I got the email it was the night before the concert, 3 o clock at night, all I could do then was place some ads on the www marketplaces, asking for tickets. Also left my phone number for those that did have a ticket for sale, only to find out the next day that I had been outbid bigtime, I guess this concert was in popular demand.... I also doubted if I should go this time, as the concert was gonna be in the big concert room, where there is place for 1200 people.... I was not to sure wether I would prefer a more intimate surrounding, ha ha, how wrong I was !
So off I went, with the most amazing sunset as I was going past the river "the lek" it truelly is a beautiful part of holland, and then with this big orange ball of fire, just above the horizon, allowing you to look straight into the fireball, and suck up all of it's rays of energy, seeing the landscape vibrate as it too, is being touched by the sun. Mmmm I seriously thought that even if I would not get a ticket, the trip would be more than worth it !
And you wont believe my luck ! I had only just entered the venue, to check with the ticket desk if there were any tickets that had been returned, and if not, I was gonna ask them where would be the best place for me to position myself with my sign... As I had just been pointed to the best spot, a lady walked towards the ticketbooth where I was about to take out my sign .... When I saw her taking a ticket out of her wallet I asked her: "you don't by any chance want to get rid of that ticket do you? "
and she smiled, and in turn looked at the smile that arose on my face .....
yes I do .... ha ha, I never believed I would love to hear these words ......
There it was, the ticket was lying in my hand, without even having to take the sign out. I felt like Charly (Sjakie in dutch) when he found the golden Willy Wonka Chocolate Bar ! This was meant to be !
I decided to go straight in, the banana's and snickers should do the energy trick as I had not yet had a proper dinner.... it was all too exciting.
The venue blew my mind, quickly shattering any expectations I had had. There was a big stage, but still looking intimate as there were seats situated all the way around the stage and upwards. Really emracing the artist on stage. Then there was a dance floor in front of the stage, but here too , seats were placed. The concert hall also felt really warm as they have used loads of wood, which works great accoustics wise ! I quickly started to check different spots within the venue to see where I was gonna sit. As I was one of the first inside, and with free seating arrangements allowing everyone to pick their spot, there were many options open.
At first I wanted to go for the spot underneath the mixing desk, then I changed my mind, I realised this room had great accoustics, bonnie would be playing solo, and mostly accoustic, so off I went again... this time it was an aisle seat, 3rd row from the front... 2 minutes later I decided that this was not the right spot either, having to look up all the time ... who's paying who here.. :)
and then I saw it, the ideal spot right next to the stage, a sort of sofa for 3 people, at the edge of the stage, looking right at bonnie and his guitar, seriously only 7 meters away with the stacked sound system positioned right next to me.
I did not have to think long, I quickly placed my survival kit on my seat, and went back to tell the lady sitting next to my now second choice spot, to release that one :) and decided to walk around a bit, then I saw a man and two girls walking over to my spot.. mmmm..... And as one of the girls took my plastic bag and wanted to put it on the sofa behind .. she did not get the chance to let go of the banana... I was there.... quickly being very assertive, no way I was gonna let someone take my spot ! And as I had secured my spot, I allowed the ladies to sit next to me, offcourse... the gentleman as I am :) and the dad (as it turned out) sat behind us ....
Then, there was this train issue.... I had checked what time the last train was going back to tilburg, 23.13 mmmm bonnie was to play untill 23.00 with the station being 10 minutes away.... mmmm tough one.... First I decided to take my jacket and my bag from the wardrobe as I could easily place these in front of my seat, this way I would not loose any time once the concert had ended, or was about to end. Then I needed to have a clock... mmm my phone... ok, but now I needed to de-activate any beeping sounds before I had my clock "ready"
Bonnie started playing around 22.30 giving the audience a chance to get some drinks after the opener of the show had finished just after 9 o'clock But this drink break, was gonna be messing things up for me ....
The opening act was great, also a guy and his guitar, no singing, but amazing guitar play (like ravi shankar) and he was jamming away, it was great fun to see him fiddling around with the sample pedal, allowing him to start playing with sounds he had just recorded in a short loop. The guy was creating amazing soundscapes and sometimes it was hard to open my eyes, as I was taken away by the music. Funny and strange thoughts came forth, a little devil inside told me that I could listen to this guy at home with my eyes closed ! Now was the time to see .. ha ha, fuck that ! It's all about the energy, the atmopsphere, the actions and reactions that one can feel. I now wonder if there were any blind people there....
Ok, so then it was 21.30 and not long after, the prince made his appearance. He was playing solo using just a guitar and three effect pedals. He hooked up the effects, and off he went.... He was playing songs from his latest album "The Letting Go" but he completely changed the way they sounded.... also because on the album there is Dawn McCarthy singing along, and she was not present here to join in... so, kind of logical that I did not recognize a lot of the songs at first. He also played a lot of songs from the album "ease on down the road" and other solo albums ... He told little stories, anecdotes, memories, improvised, howled like a wolf. Impressive wee man ! One man and his guitar on a stage and 1200 people in total awe !!! Like we were all invited into his living room, very very intimate it felt ! The guys voice is truelly amazing, and when you can see his feet, knees and shoes, twitching and twirling as he truelly gets the words out of his toes sometimes .....
Out of the blue there was a great version of "I see a darkness" It was a totally turned around version, making me cry ! He played it long after someone had shouted the name of this song, I hate that, let him play.. and command your mp3player.... ! long after the song had been called, I belive this happens on most occasions, that people want him to sing this song.. and being who he is, he listens but does his own.... I guess. So the minutes flew by.... a few moments I was restless as I thought of the train, quickly dropped the thought, back into the music. Then the girl next to me told me it was 22.55 and I looked at her as if I saw water burning.
There was no way I was gonna go..... here was the one guy that is able to touch my soul, all the way from the states, in utrecht, playing a truelly one-of-show (that;s how it felt anyhow) I wanted to see the end of the show, and even if my only option was to spend 5-6 hours on the train station waiting for the first train in the morning, so be it... Dilemma solved, back into the music.... couple of songs later, the show seemingly ended, but not untill he had come back for an encore, and I seriously cant remember if he played 4 or 5 songs during the encore but I am glad I stayed till the end !
Still afloat I made my way to the central station, thinking there was no way I was gonna be able to get back home. As I thought I had missed my last train to Tilburg my options were pretty limited, either stay in Utrecht (where you can wait inside a big hall, it's relatively warm and safe) or go to Den Bosch and wait there or try to hitchhike from there (as you'd have to wait outside (no central hall) and with temperatures close to freezing that was not an option. Hitchhiking from the station in Den Bosch is also pretty tough as it';s too far from the highway) so you get the idea that I did not feel like going there :) Then there still was a third option, meaning calling my parents to see if one of them would be crazy enough to come and pick me up from Den Bosch.. so I called, it turned out they were already in asleep, oeps... We kindly agreed that dad stayed in bed and that I would survival my way trough the night or back home, either way, it was ok.
Went off to buy some food while the shop was still open, and in the meantime my dad called back but I did not hear the phone as it still was in "stealth" mode. But as I checked the time on my phone, I saw that my dad had tried to call, I quickly called him back and he said he could not sleep anymore after my call and that he was on his way to pick me up ! Yes, yes yes !
When I was sitting in the train waiting for the train to leave I was glad I had brought my minidisc-player, so I could dive into one of my liveset recordings instead of having to listen to the conversations of my fellow passengers. Seriously, there was a guy sitting across from me, with another one in the four-seater next to us, I bet you, if they could, they would have eaten each other while continuing their download-dvd-adsl-conversion possibilities, it was way too overdone, too obviously gay all the time astounded sounding small talk... get me right here, I love anyman, gay or whatever, but people that overact, are not. They are being busy, and wether it is because I have been too busy in my life at a certain point or not, I simply do not like people that are being busy !!!
So you can imagine I was glad that at that point I realised I had my music with me. Finally arrived in Den Bosch at 01.10am where my dad picked me up and we made our way home. Then I offcourse had to play some of bonbonbilly's records and recollect my thoughts and feelings after this very emotional day. Only to be amazed again, recognizing song after song and slowly drifting of.
Ending up at the true essence of life:
And then I woke up on the couch, loud radio noise coming from the giant building site in front of my house, ok, the building noises one gets sort of used to, but the radio, no even worse, the local radio on full blast at 7am ! So i had to start shouting at the builders outside to turn down the bloody radio as it was 7am and I wanted to sleep... luckily they agreed it was too loud and then finally it was truelly bedtime.
Thanx 2 my dad for the pointer, otherwise I would have seriously missed this one !
Important lessons that can be learned from this day :)
If one wants to see bonnie prince billy one has to keep an eye on his website, or even better, look here : and if you need to go from utrecht to tilburg late at night, the last train leaves 23.43
Here's the opening song, I just found on youtube.... sleep tight...
12 March 2007
monday morning the sun is out
12th march and it feels like spring is in the air, just like yesterday, incredible to be outside, feeling the sun on your skin.. it's only then that I realise that we dont get enough of it here..... even though the winter was total crap, cause dont get me wrong, I love the sun, but would give you a finger if I could skate the 11 steden tocht once in my life (a legendary skate tour in holland, only possible when there is a cold period, freezing the canals etc) I wil keep dreaming !
yesterday was funny, I ended up in a skip, literally ! going for a stroll, seeing a big container, big containers outside of buildings where they are refurbishing always intrigue me.... so I decided to climb up and see if there was anything recyclable there.... It turned out there was shitloads of powercable, the thick one that is much wanted even by the "so called strippers" as they strip the plastic and take the copper wiring and hand it in at the scrap metal shop. Not sure if I could re-use it, or maybe start stripping it myself, I decided it would be a waste to leave it there.. and I started making a plan how to get the much entangled wire out of the container. At a certain point I was pulling and pulling, when al of a sudden a piece of cable hit me in the eye, taking out my contact lens !!! Oh no, one of my first thoughts was: I wil never have enough cable to pay for a new contact... so I started looking, knowing it was useless. After 10 minutes I gave up, decided to go back home to get a pair of cutters so I could at least get some more cable out to pay for my contact.... Back home I took my spare contact, and a pair of wire cutters and headed back.... entered the container, back to the position when I lost my contact, looked every possible spot in front and to the sides of me, notting .... then for some reason I looked behind me, and amazingly, in a spot where I would have never ever looked, there was my contact, it must have gone over my shoulder, somehow ... ayway.. I was a happy chappy ! You can imagine I had loads of fun taking more of the cable out of the container and I will let you know what the final score was .... all in the name of recycling ofcourse :)
Here is your snack for today :
yesterday was funny, I ended up in a skip, literally ! going for a stroll, seeing a big container, big containers outside of buildings where they are refurbishing always intrigue me.... so I decided to climb up and see if there was anything recyclable there.... It turned out there was shitloads of powercable, the thick one that is much wanted even by the "so called strippers" as they strip the plastic and take the copper wiring and hand it in at the scrap metal shop. Not sure if I could re-use it, or maybe start stripping it myself, I decided it would be a waste to leave it there.. and I started making a plan how to get the much entangled wire out of the container. At a certain point I was pulling and pulling, when al of a sudden a piece of cable hit me in the eye, taking out my contact lens !!! Oh no, one of my first thoughts was: I wil never have enough cable to pay for a new contact... so I started looking, knowing it was useless. After 10 minutes I gave up, decided to go back home to get a pair of cutters so I could at least get some more cable out to pay for my contact.... Back home I took my spare contact, and a pair of wire cutters and headed back.... entered the container, back to the position when I lost my contact, looked every possible spot in front and to the sides of me, notting .... then for some reason I looked behind me, and amazingly, in a spot where I would have never ever looked, there was my contact, it must have gone over my shoulder, somehow ... ayway.. I was a happy chappy ! You can imagine I had loads of fun taking more of the cable out of the container and I will let you know what the final score was .... all in the name of recycling ofcourse :)
Here is your snack for today :
10 March 2007

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