Last week I drove up and down to munchen to drop off a load of motherboards for a certain company. Leaving tilburg at 23.00 at night, driving straight trough the night and arriving early in the morning to drop of the load. Then a few hours sleep and hop... back to holland. For me this was a golden opportunity as it meant I could work a shitload of hours in a few days, and as I still have some bills to pay, I was pleased with the job. But then came friday afternoon, with 300 km to go I decided to go and get some gas and a milkshake, as it was pretty hot. Having just filled up my car, I was cleaning my windshield, ready to go and pay as I was confronted by a guy, who said he was a police officer and he wanted to see my papers etc.... All I could think was the fact that I had not filled in my sheet specifying my hours, but that he did not want.... it turned out..... He wanted me to do a drug test! Which I thought would not be a problem as by then it had been longer than 42 hours since I had last smoked a bit of hash in holland. The only thing was that I had just taken a piss earlier on, so I told him I would need to drink some water and wait a bit, which was ok. Sitting in the sun, even having a sort of discussion with the copper, offcourse evry time I wanted to tell him my opinion, he immediately started his powertrip, making clear I had to listen instead of convince..... ok, clear.... bloody nazi cop ! Then the moment came for me to go and take a piss, all sure of myself, totally convinced all was ok, also as the last time I had to do a test like this (summer 2006 crossing the german-tsjech border) there were no problems either, and as at that moment it had only been 28 hours since I had last smoked and this time it was 42... I felt confident that the needed line would appear and that I could continue my travels...... Oh no....... no line.... mmmm what ? You are going to call a doctor ? He is going to take a blood sample ? You are taking mt license, and a fine of 600 euro ? And as I have no money ? You take my car ? And when it is not my car ? And so the intimidation process had started..... Immediately I knew this was bad .... So I called some friends in holland, who I knew had had to deal with a similar situation, asking for advice.... Also called my boss, to update him and see what he thought.... And then waited for the doctor..... Finally he arrived, taking me into the handicapped toilet, took some blood, hurt my arm by injecting the needle the wrong way and then, unbelievably started to do a weird test.... Here I was, tired, hungry, excited about what had been happening, and even more so anxious about what was going to happen, and this guy shines his torch nto my eyes, holds a pen in front of my eyes, and based on that and on the fact that I have huge pupils (so he said) he declares I am definitely under the influence ............ makes a note on his rapport and finishes the process. Fuck me...... nothing I can do, he did not even ask how long I had been awake or anything..... just looks, thinks and judges, and then this grin on his face. Anyway, what next ? The copper gave me back my driving license and asked me for my bank details, I looked at him and said excuse me, you want what ? He started to explain, after which I told him I was not gonna give him my details as I felt this whole test was not legal, and not ok-ed by european law etc. Again he said I needed to pay a huge fine, and again I smiled at him, and said that I had already explained that I am a musician, about to release my first records but that I had not money whatsoever, this time he seemed to get the picture, and he did not ask me again, but started to explain that they would now send me the fine by mail etc...... oh yes..... about 600 euro .. fuck me.... this would mean I would have driven to bloody munich for nottin ? He also said I was not allowed to drive, huh ? For how long then ? Till the thc has left my body ? Which would be when exactly ? He then started that it was actually 7 days etc... so I quickly said all was ok, that I would sleep before driving on ok ok ok..... NOT !
I waited till they had left, started the car and put my foot down, and did not take it off the floor till I drove across the dutch border.... HOME sweet home !!!
I still feel raped by the germans..... fucking hell, how can they do this.... And I am anxious that they will send me a fine, meaning I can not go to the teknival in poland or tsjech if I dont pay the fine, otherwise they will stop me at the border where they will check my passport..... Ok, so I will see, either pay and be free to go where I want, or not pay, and head for southern regions in europe..... and pay it later in the year, free-ing the road for next year..... It still means I will have to be very carefull...... what if I make some music in the weekend, and smoke some hash, it would almost imply I can not drive into germany for a full week.... this is ridiculous, do you know how many truckdrivers head into germany every day, having smoked a nice joint the night prior....... Or would they all be armed with drugfooling devices and fake urine etc ??? It is a crazy world we live in.....
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