wow .... what a joy .... let me in the sound ....
u2 sings about it, I got to do it ... in full ...
they had arranged a place for me on the dance floor, and they hired extra speakers, making it an amazing wall of sound, for me to model and arrange ... haha! yes ... this is what playing livesets is all about .... standing in front of the sound, allowing you to feel every little tiny frequency shift, that when applied in the mix .. results in an interconnecting force that seems to speed things up .... this is why I bring all my gear, so I can truelly alter every little corner of sound that is there ... and the pleasure comes when you start mixing, and then the instinct takes over ... as your gut and your inner ear are being massaged, they also start to guide and control ...
ok, maybe you have to experience it for yourself to understand fully ..
but hey .... what a joy it was !
they also had arranged this amazing laser, that can shoot out every colour in the rgb spectrum, pretty special for a laser, even in this century yes ... they did have to pull a huge cooling unit up the stairs in order for teh laser to work, but they did not mind, they really made a huge effort to make the night a special one ...
Also I got to play later ... played from 1.30 till 3 ...
my set was a lot of work ... as the direct sound, even more so, points out all things that should sound a little tiuny different, not too much, but just a little bit .. making you work ... call it being a musician ...
it was great to experience that the plan of attack worked, as I got to practice the night before, I had decided to change my set completely ... this time slowly building up the sounds, then after 45 minutes, making a drop from 164 to 132 bpm ... making the synths scream for real with the kickdrum dropping holes in between ... ha ha what a joy ... then in the end I speeded things up again and then all envelopes were pushed, making use of the amazing headroom in my mackie mixer and I danced my own arse off the last 45 minutes of my set .. and thats when I am truelly enjoying myself ... loosing myself in the music ... the set has been recorded ...
thanx for the great welcome, and sound etc ! sound was extremely clear, thanx dieJ
thanx for the invite, lets do that again !!!