more words later.......
ok, I guess it's time now......
what a trip it was..... wednesday afternoon, my 508 loaded up with 9 passengers and a shitload of gear, and off we went, first we needed to get air for my tires.. aaaaaargh what a search... finally just before leaving holland we managed to get some, at a truckstop! All normal tire thingies go up to 4 bars of pressure, and I need at least 5 bar so there you are, with your big car......
Then off to berlin, long drive, arrived in the morning, met up with jan and yael, got the key to the record shop where everyone could crash for the weekend, thanx a lot !!! that was very nice, as it allowed me to use my bus for personal space.... and i needed that when I arrived in berlin, totally wrecked from the drive..... sleep baby.. now.. please........ so I did. !
The rest went off to tackle berlin city.. and as I woke up early in the evening I decided to go and check out the venue, and meet up with the folks that were doing the event. It turned out to be a very stunning place, with a sort of tricky basement, or better, it was the ceiling that was tricky..... but the architects had told us as long as we filter out any frequencies below 40hertz we should be fine... ahhhh, re-assuring :) friday came, noise night, and that it was ! performances and acts filled up the night, unfortunately during the johnny locash act the police came, and the sound had to be turned way down... too bad ! but we did not want to jeopardize the saturday (hell no) so we listened at low volume, till it was time to go and sleeeeeeep. then the saturday came, performances took toooo long, I ended up with freshly cooked pasta sitting behinfd my liveset looking at some weir naked creatures crawling by chasing each other with tools and such.... mmmmm not really my cup of tea, ah well, I prepared my set, and finally at 4 I hit play, and sort of rocked the place, yes, I dare to say so my self ! You'll see when accu 001 is coming out, no more hints for now...... In the end, I packed up, loaded up my bus, danced to some of the tunes stefan and joris played and then the cops came, mmmm shitty, as I wanted to discharge and dance my arse off..... guess not. In the end I freaked out completely, about copycats and music, all stuff tooo close to my heart, and I smoked too much, slept too little hence the eruption, but it all was ok in the end, I guess I needed to let of some steam. As the music had stopped, we decided to go back to the shop, taking a little detour as we got a bit lost :) Then we went for a flea market, I ended up loosing everyone, but hey, I knew the way....
Next day (monday) we took off, said our goodbyes, bought our last records and shirts from jan and then we went back to holland. Around 2am tuesday morning we arrived in rotterdam, everyone out ! And i went back to tilburg.... yes, very very very satisfied, we need more trips like these.