tomorrow I will make my way to quito where I will be saying goodbye to my parents after having travelled trough peru and most of ecuador together for 3 weeks. It will be good to not have to put up my tent every day and finally sleep in a proper bed in a hotel for 4 nights, after that I hope to make my way to the jungle via lago agrio, from there its a nice canoe trip up the river before we hit the amazon. Still 2 weeks to fill with all sorts of colours sounds and adventures ... here are some of the past weeks .....
mad lines in the nazca desert ..... truelly awesome !!! planes were too dangerous so we stuck to the look out tower .....
amazing sunsets at teh westcoast of peru with my little red tent next to my parents bus ... we did need armed security here ... kind of mad ...
incredible animals at an island group of the peruvian coast, called islas ballestas
seals, pinguins, pelicans and tons of shit producing birds .... really smelly and luckily they missed my head ....
huge temples from pre.inca times, they needed 143 million adobe )mud) blocks for the sun temple .... thats how they paid their taxes ... creating a certain number of blocks per family..
sweet cats that remind me of home ... it wont be long muts ...
crazy banana plantations in ecuador .. ecological and very good for the workers and their family who get proper education and food ....
passing trough the andes above the clouds, over 4000 meters up ... luckily our /roetfilter/ has not caused any more troubles, lack of oxygen high up makes a different burning mixture in the enginem blockingh the carbondioxide filter ...