as part of the zxzw festival there were classical artists playing in squats and on friday we were asked to shake the foundations of the concert hall, and we did !
I have never seen the discoball soooo effective !!! the lights were amazing, the sound was "grown-up" although it was a real pain for the live sets, as the speakers were tooo far away, causing a delay, making you wonder why the effects were all of a sudden effected with unwanted delays etc ... ok, there were monitor speakers, but if you wanted to block the main systems sound, you needed to turn up the volume of the monitors in such a way thAt you knew you were damaging your ears, dilemma....
ah well, it was nice to play, and the atmosphere was great, true wirwar vibe !
accompanied by great sounds in the voyager and cans of jupiler beer for the alcoholics under us, I was deeply moved by the slides that were projected in the main hall, they were by my brother finsent who, without a doubt, was flying trough the hall all night, sometimes the colours were a bit hard to see, but on the pictures, they come out real nice ! Also the big light, designed by wido and modified by finsent lateron was hanging in a great spot, thanx dave for that one !
The sets have been recorded on videocamera and mine was recorded as pure audio too, lets see if I should be ashamed of myself..... ha.....
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