This was the night. A dream come true ! The artist was coming that Finsent and me have had on the top of our list for a long time. We have almost all of his stuff in our collection & have been huge fans from the moment we heard his songs, not knowing what or how or who, but simply allways, yes allways being touched by a sort of witty wink whenever Biochip C is using the uplifting samples, breakbeats and 303lines in his tracks, where his styles simply sit in any box, and come out and cross over to another one without even making you realise that it's taking place. And above all, his music makes you smile and wanna have a good time along with the rest of the souls around you.
Biochip C playing in our hometown, at our party ! Ok, he did not do a live set, which would have been the ultimate, but as he no longer had his oldskool hardware setup, it was not possible for him to do a live gig, so he came and did an acid dj set instead. This was a night where we as wirwar could enjoy the music, instead of having to run around making sure all is going ok. Which is normally what we have to do when we do throw a party ourselves.
In short, all acts rocked bigtime, and yes, all in their unique ways...
And Biochip ended the night, playing after DanDoormouse, which was a shock for some, as biochip started with 130bpm old clean acid, and then took us along, faster and harder, mixing his way to the point where he was starting to run out of records, and boy, was I glad I was there to be of assistance ! As he had mentioned earlier that he had not taken any of his own records along and that if I wanted, I could play these myself, as I was starting the night. Turned out it was too difficult to do a nifty thingie with biochips records as I was playing along with Wout, which also was ok, but we played totally different sort of tekno. And this meant that his tunes had yet remained unplayed, and now he could play them himself as I quickly handed him some of his own tracks that I had brought along. What a blast it was.. it all truelly was a Sonic Boom :)
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