What a week that was !!!
It all started in that mad busy paris, as I had to go and see toolbox, the record distributor to drop off my accu 003 release. The place is truelly a tetris-like space, using boxes of records as building blocks !
Met some great people, with a great heart for music! Then it was off to Boutigny, where I was gonna spend the night prior to going to bourges. Julien lives in this great place, bang in the middle of the forest ! Amazing place ! Later that night we ended up at his sisters place, it was her birthday, and I had the honour of being at the table with a complete french family, including the mammie, and mama of the bunch .... it was great to be their guest, but at the end, a bit too much french for my head ... next day ... it was again exciting as it was off to bourges, not knowing what to expect as it was after all, legal .... and strange in a way ...
As soon as I saw the rainbows on the way there, it was all gonna be ok ... I just knew it ... it had to be .. it wasn't gonna piss with rain all weekend ... they were not gonna find my little stash of marijuana I brought as a present for my friends that I had not seen for years ... no ... it was all gonna be ok ... Then we hit a little dirt road, and shortly after there was the welcome committee ... loads and loads of gendarmes ... plus helicopter and drug dog jeaaaah ! Bring it on ...
I had some explaining to do about the huge pile of records I had brought ... mmmm selling them huh ? Why ? Ok, you are an artist ... ok ... eeeeeh little confusion .. but in the end they let me keep my records, as they require you to have a permit to seel thinmgs at events like these .. jeaaaaah ... thanx for nottin mr sarkozy ...
Then after the dogggie had made its way trough my bus, they even put him all the way up, on top of my bed ... but nottin ... haha ... they could not believe it, a big bus, from holland, and no drugs ???
So off I went, and was then welcomed by someone from system18 who had sort of hosted this whole thingie, together with some other systems ... that was very nice, a warm welcome in a different way completely .. ... I was reassured and told I could play that weekend, at their combined system ... so ... I only just entered, and I could start relaxing fully .... and so I did ..... Drank a couple of heavy duty beers and staggered around the terrain on friday night, danced my arse off, what a great drum-n bass system they had ! thanx guys for the great tunes .. also, overall ... the people were amazing, great costumes, masks, smiles etc ... very exchanging atmosphere as
opposed to the energy I felt when I was at marigny couple of years ago .. that was much more scary feeling, this was open .. and warm .... no worries ... It's party time mate !!! and we are here to do so !!!! join us ......
Met great people, sold loads of records and cd's, had a blast playing saturdaynight in front af a kickass system .... wow ... what a sound that wall produced, shame it was a little bit too risky with the rain, to stand in front off that huge wall ... opne day I will , for now we staying in the tent, right off the wall ... which was nice too ! Great view over the dancefloor !!! My little toy did its magic again ... And then the "job" was over and done, it was much enjoyed by myself !!! its great when you can enjoy what you do ... haha .... Sunday was relaxed, again, great weather .... Monday I went to go and see my parents, who were 100km from bourges, with a broke down car ... as it was getting fixed, I took them along in my bus to go to the loire, for a great walk at the riverbeds at orleans, then dropped them off later that day and they continued their holiday the day after, while I was making my way slowly back to holland, discovered great sites along the route nationale, had a swim and a sauna, great spots in the forest, and at the water ... and then .. yes I had to go back ... which was hard, but ok ! My battery was after al ... fully discharged and recharged !
Time to evolve further .... Immediately connected my lifeset back up when I came back, even played a bit but almost fell asleep with my head on my mixer so, full of inspiration ....
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